Casa ¡Hola!
In 2019 Hola magazine reached its 75th anniversary. As a celebration Casa ¡Hola! was opened in Madrid (El Palacio de las Alhajas).
For me, as creative manager, it was a real challenge due to the magnitude of the project. The space consisted in three entirely decorated floors. All around was filled with the magazine covers, floral arrangements and brand red tones, resulting a charming place.The magazine was the main character of the event, highlighting the paper format that has remained constant for the 75 years of ¡Hola!
During two weeks thousands of people visited CASA HOLA including some of the most distinguished characters of the magazine. The spirit of Hola was all around the place, making the great joy of the public.
Creative direction: Nacho Luna / Melania Pan
Producer: Macarena Lozano / Montxo Cabello
Credits: Komodo / PAN Creative / ¡Hola!
Image rights: ¡Hola! / Instagram